30 years of ATOPIC DERMATITIS(4) cured(特应性皮炎治愈30年)



Ms.T.M suffered atopic dermatitis when she was 1yo, and when she was 6yo, her friends called her “ugly” because she had eczema on her surface appeared skin, and she began to have a complex. The pharmacy recommended corticosteroids (fullcort), a medicine with a strong immediate effect. When she was 11yo, she had asthma and could not go to school during serious time. When she became 13yo, she started going to a large hospital, and the doctor told her that she needed to be friends with medicines for the rest of her life. When she started working when she was 17yo, she could see that everyone looked at her personality rather than her appearance, so she felt a little better. She could get married and moved from Saitama Prefecture to Aichi Prefecture, and her new life in an unknown city was full of anticipation and anxiety. She felt lonely when she became pregnant and gave birth. Her husband worked from morning to night, so she was alone with her child all day, and she found out that the stressed mind of childcare worsened atopy and mental anxiety was affecting her health condition. Around that time, TV began to see and hear about the harm of medicines in the newspapers, and she became concerned about the safety of her medicines and distrusted the side effects and dangers of them. One day, she heard about Jorei-Healing from a friend at nursery school. It was something she had never heard before, and she was very interested. She tried various treatments to cure atopic dermatitis, but none of them cured, and she was convinced that the Jorei-Healing could live without the medicine she was looking for. In anticipation and anxiety, she visited the branch of Jorei-Healing. The first thing she was taught was that medicine is poison. She was shocked to be told that the medicine she had been using for more than 30 years was poisonous. However, she was distrustful of medicines, so she could accept them obediently. From that day on, it was her battle with atopy. She went to the branch to receive the Jorei-Healing once a day. Atopy itches when the skin dries, and after the shower, she applied ointment to moisturize, so it was a difficult situation without topical cream. After stopping the medicine and starting the Jorei-Healing, the natural purification action (the action to improve the body) that humans originally possessed began. She had a fever for the first 3 days, and even though it was mid of summer, she couldn’t stop shivering because of the cold, so she put a blanket on it and was thirsty. She could not do anything during the time and endured suffering. She was advised to eat enough because she needed physical strength to endure this purifying effect. At the same time as the fever, juice began to come out from the body as if the skin was dissolving mushy from the tip of the head to the tip of the toe. Her body was changing rapidly, and at the same time, she felt anxious, and there was also a mental battle to see if there was any mistake in the path she had chosen. The juice that came out was unpleasant, and she washed it off in the shower before going to bed and when she woke up. After the shower, her skin was dry and sore, and she was struggling to endure it. She endured the pain and sent her child to the nursery to clean and do the laundry. The juice from her body stained her clothes and sheets, so she had to wash them every day, and the whole room was stained with skin residue from her body, so daily cleaning was essential. Most of the meals were boxed lunches or made by friends. Her husband also warmly watched over her misery, and she was grateful. When she went to the branch, they listened to her and encouraged her by various experiences, which made her feel better and better. One month after she started receiving the Jorei-Healing, the juice came out to the soles of her feet, and the skin was deeply gouged, and she managed to walk, but when it started to dry, it became thick like a turtle’s shell, and the skin began to peel off little by little. And she noticed that beautiful skin was formed from underneath. She felt the effect of the Jorei-Healing and began to expect the purification action in the future. After 3 months, most of the skin on her feet has become clean, and the reddish black of her face has become a natural redness. And she became a member so that she could do the Jorei-Healing herself, which made her feel even more secure. Her husband, who had seen her atopy heal without using medication, also joined because he wanted to help her. She had recovered enough to carry on her daily activities, and the eczema had decreased to only her face, neck, hands and soft parts of her body, and the range of symptoms was smaller. Her body was dry and itchy, but the juice stopped coming out. After 4 months, she started sleeping on futons, but she sweated a lot even in winter, so she changed clothes 2~3 times in one night. That lasted for a month, and she was showering twice a day. It has been 1.5 years since she started receiving the Jorei-Healing, and the purification action has continued with changes, but it has become very easy and the redness of her face has disappeared. There were partial sweating or scratching remains. She used to wrap a towel around her neck because sweat always comes out of my neck, but now she only sweat a little a day. In addition, eczema remains in the soft part from the elbow down, but it is a place where a lot of ointment has been applied since childhood. She had relied on medication for more than 30 years, believing that she could be cured, so she couldn’t believe in a life without medicines. She is grateful for the wonderfulness of the Jorei-Healing effect, which has become a reality of an ideal without medicine. She has recovered so far in just 1.5 years and is looking forward to a bright future. She hopes that as many people as possible will know about this experience and experience the Jorei-Healing.

(Blogger’s opinion)
Medicines are toxins and temporary symptom suppression. It is introduced in the ‘Medical care is temporary suppression’ in my blog as follows.
Part1 https://newhealthmethod.com/medicalcare-temp-suppression/
Part2 https://newhealthmethod.com/remove-cause-of-sick/

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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