Glaucoma cured (2) (青光眼治愈)



Mr. M.Y. is 68yo. His eyes started becoming hazy from 2 years ago. Tears began to seep into the haze from 1 year ago and even worse everything he saw seemed to float. Due to this symptom, he began to feel anxious about walking. When he went to the hospital thinking that he might have a cataract, he was diagnosed with glaucoma and was told that since it would not be cured even after surgery, there was no other way than to use eye drops to prevent the progression of the disease. He was so shocked that he lost his appetite and was depressed whenever he imagined himself of going blind. After that his wife suggested that he try the Jorei-Healing. Although I tried it 10 years ago and recovered his eye problem, he forgot at all. Then, he immediately went to the branch and talked about his symptoms with Jorei-Healing branch master. After a few days of receiving Jorei-Healing, he gradually felt better. One day, he ringing in his ears became severe, and on September 18, an abnormality occurred in his eyes. Everything he saw was dual, and 1 road was split into two, so he had to close one eye to walk. As he mentioned above, there was a same symptom was appeared 10 years ago but recovered by Jorei-Healing. However, this time the symptoms were even worse, and he was very inconvenient because everything he saw was lifted and he could not see the steps on the floor. On the night of September 24th, fluid came out of his left ear and the symptoms of double vision gradually improved, and on the 29th it completely improved. And she began to have hopes that maybe the Jorei-Healing would improve his glaucoma. On October 2, liquid came out of his ears again. After that, the symptoms of tinnitus subsided considerably. Currently, his eyes are a little moist with tears, but it is no longer issues to his life. He later learned that his friend had 2 times surgeries for the same symptoms and was living a life like a blind. He thinks he would have had surgery without hesitation if he could have done it at that time, so he felt that he was fortunate and protected by God to declaration of eye doctor that surgery was impossible. He was so depressed that he could not believe that he could recover in such a short period of time by Jorei-Healing only. He really appreciated to the Jorei-Healing. If there are people suffering from similar symptoms as him, he would like to recommend to experience the Jorei-Healing as soon as possible.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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