
12 May 2023, CBC “Mr.Oishi Commentary” Journalistic TV program in Japan
“Death due to lack of information on vaccine side effects”

The 39yo man developed severe pain in his neck and shoulders after the 1st va○○ination, but did not believe it was a side effect of the va○○ine. The reason is that the symptoms of common side effects were said to be fever and malaise. Therefore, although he was not feeling well, he was va○○cinated for the 2nd time, and he had a fever of nearly 40 degrees. However, there was no contact for a while, so his girlfriend was worried and visited the house and found his death. The thermometer beside him showed 41.5 degrees (thermometer limit is 42 degrees). As a result of the autopsy, it was presumed that he died due to a fatal arrhythmia caused by an unthinkably high fever. So, were the neck and shoulder pain after the 1st va○○cination side effect? The ratio of 1336 adverse reactions compiled by Nagoya City is as following contents.

①21% neck and shoulder pain
②10%: fatigue
③ 9%: hair loss, skin abnormalities
 7%: difficulty walking
 6%: numbness
 4%: respiratory diseases
 4%: headache, eye pain
 39%: other (taste disorders, depression, etc.)

What you can see was that neck and shoulder pain was number one symptom of va○○cine side effects. It is very unfortunate that if he had known this information, he would not have been va○○cinated for the 2nd dose. MOH (Japan Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) did not update the results of the latest investigation of adverse reactions and after effects, or has not that information. As a result, the adverse reaction information could not be referred before va○○cination, and this man died. By the way, the attached survey is the result by Nagoya-city’s own investigation, because MOH does not have intention to investigate and announce. Even though he had side effect reactions immediately after the 1st va○○cination, he lost his life due to lack of information. His father currently joined the “va○○cine Bereaved Families Association” to avoid to create any more victims like his son.

(Blogger’s opinion)
Above is not related to the Jorei-Healing, but I would like everybody knows the real fear of medical care which is happening all over the world now. Because, since almost all mass media does not talk about va○○ination, you cannot know the real. What we learned for the past two years was that self-immunity enhancement is most important.

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