
Oishi commentary December 15, 2022

2023, CBC “Mr.Oishi Commentary” Journalistic TV program in Japan
“Skin diseases may be caused by va○○ine side effects”

The results of a study by Professor Sano of Kochi University School of Medicine revealed that adverse reactions to va○○ines may be possible cause of skin diseases, skin necrosis, shingles, and herpes. He took cells from each patient’s skin inflammation site and found spike proteins from va○○ines. Spike protein is a spine on the surface of the coronavirus, and human immune cells remember these spines and make antibodies to attack the virus. The Pfizer and Moderna va○○ines inject mRNA which is a portion of coronavirus genetic data into the body through injections to make spike proteins in human cells. So why did this spike protein gather at the site of inflammation? He explained that spike proteins scattered throughout the body weaken immunity and cause skin diseases. For example, in the case of a blanched tongue in a 12yo girl and eczema in a 50yo man, previously referred by the CBC, their doctors uniformly asserted that there was no link to the vaccine, but he pointed out that the diagnosis should have been made in consideration of the relationship between these skin conditions and the vaccine. In August 2022, he published a paper on the relationship between va○○ines and skin diseases, and in December of the same year, he called on MOH (the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) to urgently investigate the causal relationship between va○○ines and skin diseases.

In addition, according to the information of another doctor in the Tokai region, there are about 3~4 cases of herpes zoster every year, but this year the number has increased fourfold. About 90 patients in his hospital have skin diseases suspected of being linked to vaccines. Va○○ine-induced herpes zoster has a wider inflammation area than naturally occurring and the symptoms are severe.

Not only side effects and aftereffects but also death after va○○ination have become a big problem. More than 2,000 people have already died in Japan. Professor Nagao of Hiroshima University dissected the bodies of the 4 deceased and found that their body temperature at the time of death was as high as 42~44 degrees (I mentioned it in my previous blog). After investigating the genes of the cadavers, it was found that the top ranked was immune abnormality, which had not regulated the immune response well. From this research, it was hypothesized that the va○○ine caused an abnormality in the immune system, and the inflammation had spread in the body, caused an abnormal rise in body temperature and death. Although it is not possible to conclude that va○○ines are the cause of death based on the data collected so far, we have concluded that there is a good possibility that they are involved in immune abnormalities and requested the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to investigate the causal relationship with va○○ines.

(Blogger’s opinion)
Above is not related to the Jorei-Healing, but I would like everybody knows the real fear of medical care which is happening all over the world now. Because, since almost all mass media does not talk about va○○ination, you cannot know the real. What we learned for the past two years was that self-immunity enhancement is most important.

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