6 years of neck & face swelling, recovered in 4 months(颈面部浮肿6年,4个月痊愈)


Nepal Special

When Ms.C.R. was 20yo, the lymph glands in her neck suddenly became swollen and spread to her face. For a month, she went to the hospital and devoted herself to treatment, but she didn’t get better even if she took hospital medicine, and she also started taking herbal medicines, but they still didn’t get better and she was at a loss. And when she was 26 yo, she heard about the Jorei-Healing from her friend, and immediately went to the branch and started the Jorei-Healing. For the first 3 months, there was no change and she was about to give up, but in the 4th month, she started to feel better. And when you become a member, you can do the Jorei-Healing by herself, so she became a member. Now that she is 27 yo, her swelling was gone and her skin is back to normal, and she is sincerely grateful to Jorei-Healing. The sick that had in trouble her for 6 years got better in just over 4 months. She would like to convey the power of this wonderful Jorei-Healing to many people as possible.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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