Call for an IMMEDIATES STOP of corona va○○ines(呼吁立即停止使用新冠疫苗)


The more you shot, the lower your immunity will decrease and you will become infected.

There are several fighters among scientists in Japan. One of them, Professor Murakami of Tokyo University of Science, is calling for the immediate stop of coronavirus va○○ines. Today, I would like to introduce his opinion, including my opinion.

The va○○ine suffered from side effects, dragged on the aftereffects, and caused many deaths. Did there be any good with this va○○ine? No, not at all. Outside of Japan, most of the coronavirus pandemic has ended, but the Japan government is still actively promoting it. Among those who believe and do not doubt what the government says, who only watch TV and newspapers, there are still many people who think that it is better to get va○○inated in the future, who are still afraid of corona, and who do not understand va○○ines, and I hope that they should wake up.

Everyone knows that humans are born with the ability to heal their own bodies = self-immunity. However, the corona va○○ine does not allow its autoimmunity to work. Before va○○ination, autoimmunity suppressed the onset of various diseases such as cancer, colds, shingles, and syphilis, but as a result of va○○ines lowering autoimmunity, such kinds of diseases are rapidly increasing. The cause is the type of antibody produced by this va○○ine. The first 2 shots produce IgG1 and IgG3 antibodies that bind to and eliminate the virus. However, IgG4 antibodies made from the 3rd booster shot cannot eliminate the virus even if it binds to the virus.

What happens if you can’t eliminate it? When you get sick, inflammation such as fever and pain occur and you are aware of the symptoms of the disease, but IgG4 antibodies do not cause inflammation and multiply while taking the virus into the body, so you will die asymptomatically or become asymptomatic or unthinkable.

And the more you shot like 4th, 5th, 6th, the more IgG4 increases in the body and full of toxins, and are easily infectious. Also, the virus will repeat mutating to survive. Since the 1st va○○ine was given for the pre-mutation virus, which does not work against the post-mutated virus. In other words, it is common knowledge among immunologists that va○○ines do not work for coronaviruses with many mutations. This va○○ine was a big failure because the theory was broken. In addition, this was the first time in human history that humans around the world have been va○○inated with mRNA va○○ines on such a large scale. The mRNA va○○ine has failed in all past experiments, and even though there were no successful cases, it was urgently permitted through inadequate animal experiments and clinical trials, and many victims continue to occur. Professor Murakami continues his courageous activities by calling for the immediate cessation of va○○ines.

All of this has been said since 2020, but at that time, Twitter, Youtube, and FB were censored, and everything was banned and freedom of speech was taken away, but I am glad that the tide has changed and many scientists can now transmit it.

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