Relieved of all body pain and turned into a life of joy(解除了所有身体的痛苦,变成了快乐的生活)



Ms.M.W. has been had various sickness as if she is like a sick department store. When she was a student, she had severe stomach pain, so she took medication for a long time, but it didn’t improve, and it got worse and she developed reflux esophagitis. She ended up taking antibiotics for pylori infection. Every day she had headaches and the pain medication increased, and the medicine became even stronger. Even after she started working, she had many symptoms such as general pain, helplessness in her hands and feet, and numbness. She tried all kinds of medications and used painkillers all the time. However, it did not help and did not improve. After that, she found that her spine was shifted to the side, so she had surgery 19 years ago. The lumbar spine was reinforced with bones taken from the foot and fixed with four nails. She hoped that this surgery would finally relieve her of the pain all over her body, but the pain could not heal and she ended up suffering even more.

She couldn’t bend down, stood, sat, and walked as she wanted, and she couldn’t go up and down stairs. 4 years later, after removing the fixing nail, she felt more pain all over her body. And she had her neck pain, her arms pain, her fingers went numb. The doctor suggested surgery to change to an artificial joint, but she was scared and hesitant. She used to ask herself why her life was so difficult that she had to take medication every day and go to the hospital for rehabilitation and acupuncture. At that time, a colleague at the company taught her about Jorei-Healing which made you been healthy without relying on drugs or medical care. She felt like she had found a ray of light in the darkness, and she thought she had no choice but to try it. When she first received Jorei-Healing, she had a terrible headache, but she was taught that body pain is a purifying effect that excretes toxins from the body, and that if toxins are released, she can become healthy. So, she could endure the pain and stop taking medication. As a result, she was very happy that she could overcome the headache for the first time without taking medicine, and she decided to continue the Jorei-Healing. After that, when she received the Jorei-Healing, she had a fever, a lot of runny noses, and phlegm, and her physical condition gradually improved. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, her body aches and numbness have decreased, and her stomach and headaches that have been treated for a long time and the after-effects of lumbar spine surgery have been relieved.

She was a critically sick patient who could not get better with any medical treatment, but now she could be reborn. Her life has changed completely by Jorei-Healing, and she is grateful that she could travel by bicycle, and work. She hopes that her experience will be conveyed to many people to know about the Jorei-Healing.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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