INTESTINAL TORSION? cured in 1 day(肠扭转?1天痊愈)



Ms.Y.U.(56yo) had many relatives are medical professionals, but since she learned about the Jorei-Healing, she has experienced various things, sympathized with its goodness, and became a Jorei member. Certainly, there are good points in medical care, but the reality is that many people are getting better without relying on medicines by the Jorei-Healing. The recent problem of medicine toxins has made her think that sick is not a bad thing, but rather a natural purification action to maintain health, and she thinks that it is very good to become healthy by both the Jorei-Healing and natural purification power. The other day, she suddenly had a severe stomachache in the middle of the night and couldn’t stand it, so her son brought her to the branch. She had severe pain in her left lower abdomen and a fever around her left kidney. There was also nausea. After a while of receiving the Jorei-Healing, the pain gradually subsided. After the 2nd Jorei-Healing, she recovered considerably, so she went home after 2 am, but it recurred from 5 am, so she visited the branch again early in the morning. Then the pain almost subsided. The pain happened from time to time, so she received the Jorei-Healing all day. She recovered considerably, but she stayed in an accommodation near the branch because she was worried about recurrence. As her prediction, she had severe pain around midnight, but the pain subsided after received the Jorei-Healing at the branch. Then, when she was receiving the 2nd Jorei-Healing, since her intestines suddenly made a noise and moved, and something changed inside of her body, and she was convinced that she was cured. As she expected, she felt very fine the next morning, and had breakfast as normal. It was a severe pain for 24 hours, but on the contrary, it healed completely in a short time. She thinks everyone is aware of the horror of medicine, but the only thing that protects everyone from chemical damage is the Jorei-Healing, so she would like everyone to try it.

(Blogger’s opinion)
As a result of looking into her symptom by Internet, it may have been intestinal torsion. If so, it seems that treatment is performed to vent gas from intestine and remove the contents to eliminate the twist with an endoscope. This time, since she was completely healed right after her intestines suddenly made a noise and moved, I felt the greatness of the Jorei-Healing effect.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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