Whooping cough cured 2 times faster(百日咳治愈速度快了2倍)



Mr. H.K.(34yo)’s eldest daughter, Miyoko (7yo) has been growing up well without medicine since she was born. Until now, she has experienced colds, measles, chicken pox, and diarrhea, but each time she has improved with Jorei-Healing and she is living without any anxiety. Recently, medical errors and side effects of medicines have been increasing, so he is happiest that his family can live in the environment that has nothing to do with chemical damage. Even if a child gets sick, it has a purifying effect that excretes toxins from the body, so he could watch with peace of mind her runny nose, phlegm, diarrhea, sweat, and fever go down, and recover. The other day, Miyoko had a severe cough, a high fever, and down for 2~3 days. At first, he thought it was just a cold, but after 7 days, the cough became even worse, and she was hard to breath, and a lot of runny nose and phlegm came out. She sweated every time she coughed, and she changed her clothes many times at night for night sweats. Eczema also appeared all over the body, as if the toxins in the body were excreting from the body. However, no matter how hard it is, if you receive the Jorei-Healing, it will be easier and you will go to bed. After 11 days, my cough decreased, and after 1 month she could go to school. One month later, high fever, runny nose and phlegm occurred again, and after two weeks of coming them out from the body, she could recover and go back to school. The number of days from the onset of disease symptoms to complete recovery was 47 days. His friend’s child had the same symptoms and went to the hospital and was diagnosed with whooping cough (called 100-day cough in Japan). The child went to the hospital every day, gave injections, and took medicine, but it took 100 days to heal completely. In comparison, Miyoko healed 2 times faster than medical care, and realized once again the wonderfulness of the Jorei-Healing. In addition, after her complete recovery, her appetite increased, her understanding of the studies became faster than before, and in physical education class, she started to take 1st ~ 2nd place for sprint. Recently, it is said that the number of children with stiff neck and shoulders and lower back pain is declining in study ability, and some scholars point out that the rapid increase in crime among adolescents is caused by environmental pollution by chemical substances such as food additives and pesticides. Doctors have also published books warning against medicine damage, and there are concerns about the health of children. Since his relatives were members of the Jorei-Healing, he himself grew up without medicine and maintains his health with Jorei-Healing. He wants people all over the world to understand this wonderful Jorei-Healing effect.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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