hearing loss gradually improved after severe eczema(严重湿疹后听力逐渐好转)


Mr. K.S. (15yo) was born deaf. When he was 13 yo, his face and chest started to turn red, but he didn’t care. One year later, eczema began to appear on his face and neck, and he scratched it because of itching, and the skin became rough and severe. When he looked at his face in the mirror, he became very scared and lost confidence. He couldn’t talk to people, and he became loneliness and anxious. Then, he decided to receive the Jorei-Healing and visited the Jorei-Healing branch every day. During that time, he took time off from school or was late according to his physical condition. When his skin was dry, the itch started again, blood, sweat, and pus was gushing out after scratching. Sometimes he almost went mad, but thanks to the Jorei-Healing, the itch subsided and now he became cheerful and could go to school. During the eczema was so bad, something amazing happened. It suddenly began to hear the sound of car turning signals, which is not usually able to listen, or the ticking sound of a clock. When he went to the otolaryngologist and had his hearing tested, the doctor was surprised to find that his hearing was better than before. He thinks this is because a lot of toxins were excreted by eczema. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, he could endure the itching and cleansing symptoms, and as a result, his eczema was cured and his hearing loss improved.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

(Blogger’s opinion)

Judging from the symptoms, I thought it was a severe eczema like Atopic dermatitis. Normally, patients would be given steroids at the hospital, and even if they got better for a while, they would relapse and continue to take medicines. After the toxins in the body were excreted by eczema, eczema was completely cured, and furthermore there was a improving in his hearing loss, which was a great experience by the Jorei-Healing.

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