Sciatica cured(坐骨神经痛治愈)



After breaking her right leg 7 years ago, Ms.T.I.(66yo) began to have pain from her right hip to her entire leg, and had sciatica symptoms that prevented her from standing for 5 minutes and needed a break every 10 meters to walk. She wanted to heal, so she tried compresses, magnetic pads, stretches, injections, and acupuncture, but it didn’t work at all and her hips also bent. She had heard from a relative that various sickness was cured by the Jorei-Healing before, and she was suspicious, but there was no other way to cure it, so she had no choice but to visit the Jorei-Healing branch. All she heard there was the opposite of commonsense, such as medicinal poisons and the fact that sickness purifies toxins in the body. At first, she was skeptical and received the Jorei-Healing, but every time she received it, she could easily walk the 7-minute walking distance between the train station and the branch, and she realized that she was recovering. At first, her right leg hurt, but it became easier, and next, her left leg began to ache. When she was worried, the branch member told her that there is no need to worry because it is a pain by average purification. Toxins in the left leg are also excreted same amount of toxins as the right leg. Certainly, her left leg improved and it became easy to walk after that. Upon continuing the Jorei-Healing, her urine amount increased, so she guessed the toxins were excreted in her urine. Through this experience, she was impressed by the magnificence of Jorei and became a Jorei-Healing member. When she became a member, she could do the Jorei-Healing herself, so she was relieved even when her feet hurt. After that, the calf of her right leg suddenly began to ache, and the pain was so severe that she could not sit down, so she felt anxious. But she was completely cured after 3 days of Jorei-Healing, and she was surprised at how quickly she healed. She looked back on her past and recalled that she was hospitalized for a month more than a decade ago with a serious injury that cut her right leg skin with a mower. She thought that the toxins of the pharmaceuticals such as anesthesia and antiseptics used at that time had been excreted by this purification action. Recently, her friends who saw her in good health asked her to bring to the branch. She is grateful to the Jorei-Healing when she sees others also get better, and wants to introduce the Jorei-Healing to many people in the world.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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