Colon cancer cured(结肠癌治愈)


Ms.I.N(75yo) went to the hospital for constipation and melena at the age of 39 and was diagnosed with cancer. When she told her friend about this, she was taught about the Jorei-Healing. She has experienced a lot of pain, such as many surgeries and hospitalizations due to car accidents, so she could not bear to live in the hospital, and the thought of the risk of side effects the next time she was treated for cancer and death in the hospital after admission made her scared and felt like receiving the Jorei-Healing. And she wanted to receive it as soon as possible, so she asked a friend to take her to the branch. When she received the Jorei-Healing, she felt something different, so she was attracted to it and began to visit branch continuously. She felt something different when she received the Jorei-Healing, so she continued to be attracted to it and started visiting the chapter. There were times when there was a lot of bleeding on the way, but she was relieved to hear from the branch master that the hardened toxins were excreted through bleeding. And she became a member so that she could do the Jorei-Healing herself. So, she could do the Jorei-Healing whenever and wherever she wanted. Then, after 6~7 years, there was a moment when she suddenly felt better, and she was convinced that she had gotten better. And now, 36 years later, she is living well without any problems. Cancer was such a big problem that she forgot about her previous medical condition, but to be honest, she had many diseases and was suffering. Cystitis, hemorrhoids, back pain, headaches, shoulder and back pain, bronchitis, athlete’s foot, sore throat, all these diseases have improved thanks to the Jorei-Healing. She would like to convey this happiness of the Jorei-Healing to as many people as possible and try it.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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