Cold hands and feet cured(手脚冰凉痊愈了)



When Ms.K.U. (92 yo) was still young, her hands and feet were cold and she was always not feeling well. In order to get well, she took hormones, herbal medicines, injections, acupuncture, and prayed to God because she wanted to get well. Then, when she was 46yo, she was looking for somewhere that could cure her sickness, but she got lost on the way, and before she knew it, she had reached the Jorei-Healing branch. So, she told the branch master about her sickness, and she tried the Jorei-Healing. Then, there was a feeling that she had never experienced before, and strangely enough, the feeling that the only way to cure sickness was the Jorei-Healing became stronger, and she became a Jorei-Healing member. After that, her physical condition steadily recovered and she became fine and more energetic. After that, when she caught a cold or her face was swollen from toothache etc, she could be recovered with the Jorei-Healing. She was very busy during she help her family’s fish shop, but after 60yo, she quitted and she could spend a relax time. But when she was 77yo, she became unwell. At first, it was a general cold symptom, but the left side of the head (temple, cheek, around the ear) and left shoulder hurt, and after 10 days, pus began to come out of the ear, and after 2 months, the area around the left outer ear became red and swollen, making it difficult to open the mouth. Her acquaintances and relatives recommended her to go to the hospital, but she didn’t want it, because of her experience of not being cured by medical care in the past. Luckily, her family, relatives and friends respected her wishes and became a good helper, cooking meals, helping her with the car, and encouraging her. After 3 months, the left outer ear, which had been swollen, became soft, and the pus changed from yellow to green. After 4 months, the area around the left eye and the left face became hot, and the hard and swollen area split into three, and watery pus began to come out from the inside. During that time, she was dizzy and unwell, but the pain gradually subsided. After that, she could open her mouth, and thanks to the shift from liquid food to solid food, she could feel that the meal was delicious. In addition, although she had sleeplessness, she started to sleep well and her physical condition slowly recovered. After 6 months, the pus stopped, but it became difficult to turn her neck and dizziness began, but little by little the symptoms subsided, and the thick pus turned into a watery liquid pus, and a lot of phlegm and viscous saliva came out. 13 months later, she noticed a different change. Before pus came out, when she knocked her head by her finger, it sounded like an empty, and when she combed hair, there was not have a feeling of combing much on her head skin, but now it is a sound like inside of head is full filled, and the feeling of combing has also returned. Even after receiving the Jorei-Healing, there were times when she was worried about whether she would really be cured, but in the end, her wish came true. She spends days grateful that the Jorei-Healing saved her life.

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