gastroptosis, chronic pyelonephritis cured(胃下垂、慢性肾盂肾炎痊愈)



Ms.Y.N.(76yo) often caught colds and used a lot of medication since she was young. When she was in elementary school, her eyes were bloodshot, so she went to an ophthalmologist, and, she often suffered mouth ulcers and treated at the hospital. During her twenties, she took more medication for headaches and stomach pains. After she got married, she couldn’t prepare breakfast because of a headache, which bothered her family. Even after she had two children, she had severe headaches and regularly took medication, so she felt sleepy due to side effects, and she slept 12 hours every day. She always had a slight fever, so she used ice to cool her head. While undergoing frequent X-rays of her stomach, taking stomach medicine, and following a diet, she gastroptosis, and lost 10 kg. Then, the headache medicine stopped working, urine was difficult to come out, and as she continued treatment, she developed chronic pyelitis. As a result, she had to continue taking antibiotics, her nerves became irritable every day, she became belligerent, and she was a nuisance to her family. Her complexion turned black and the stains on face were increased, and she sighed every time she looked at her face in the mirror with no smile. She was spending a depressed every day wondering what she was born for. One day, at the age of 32, she received a Jorei-Healing newspaper in her mailbox and wanted to try anything that would cure, so she went to the branch. In the first Jorei-Healing, she felt a soft warmth, so she continued every day. And by the end of the week, her sleep time was getting to be normal and her stomach was feeling better. The weight has increased, the complexion has improved, the stains on face have been removed and brighter. For the first time, she could feel comfortable and happy. One month after she started receiving the Jorei-Healing, she and her son joined the Jorei-Healing Member and started doing healing each other. Thanks to that, she could spend her days with peace of mind that had nothing to do with medicine. And she could get up early to prepare breakfast which she has not been able to do for many years. She has been cured of headaches and car sickness that she has been suffering from since she was young, she has been able to obtain a driver’s license that she had given up, and is now enjoying the joys of life. Before and after knowing the Jorei-Healing, it is heaven and hell. She is distributing health newspapers so that as many people as possible can be saved around the world.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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