My mam got Colon CANCER(我妈妈得了结肠癌)



On 15th Oct, she checked her weight but 0.7kg reduced. Since she expected a bit fatter, she was disappointed. The Jorei-Healing branch master told, since much energy is required to heal cancer, her weight was decreased despite she eat much. She started cough and felt some pain on her back and phlegm frequently came out. She a bit worried if cancer spread to lung. But all pain and symptoms are for recovering her health, so that she depended on everything to God.

On 21 and 22 Oct, she had relatively pain in her cancer area, shoulders and arms. But, thanks to God, there was less pain during 26 and 27th Oct. From 28th Oct, her pain resumed. She sometimes felt tired but she soon recovered after the Jorei-Healing. In total, her health condition looks gradually recovering day by day. She still continues to receive the Jorei-Healing 3 times a day. Detox by the Jorei-Healing, stabilization her mind by Jorei-Healing, No-fertilized food support her health. We always appreciate God because mum is able to stand the pain and see recovery hope.

to be continued,

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