Global Warming Crisis?(全球变暖危机?)- part1


The United Nations is urging countries to take measures to reduce CO2 emissions because the climate will change and the earth will become uninhabitable due to CO2 emitted by humankind, and countries are rushing to take measures. For example, reducing the use of fossil fuels and switching to renewable energy, converting coal-fired power generation to wind and solar power, switching from gasoline cars to electric vehicles, reducing petroleum plastics and charging for plastic bags, converting straws to paper, and switching from livestock meat to insect food and plant-based pseudo-meat.

Wise people in the West and around the world are aware that the SDG’s movement is strange, but Japanese can’t read English-language articles abroad, so they don’t know the world real and tend to be controlled by governments and television such like mass media. I see SDG’s signboard here in Malaysia, so I feel the impact, too. What I would like to convey is that the avoidance of global warming by reducing CO2 is questionable. Most of the atmosphere is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and only 0.03% CO2. In addition, most of the CO2 is in the sea, if so only 0.0009% of CO2 is emitted by humans. Do you really believe that reducing the amount of CO2 that is almost non-existent will improve global warming? Weather Scientists believe that the Earth is currently heading towards an ice age and that temperatures are falling in the long term. Unfortunately, some bad weather scientists changed their calculation algorithms to affirm global warming, falsified the data, and emails supporting global warming were exposed to the public and their credibility was lost. You can find out if you look it up on the Internet, so if you think something is wrong, you can investigate by your own research and check the truth. Behind this is the huge industrial interests of specific countries that are newly created by staging global warming, inflation, and food shortage crises. Let us all see the truth and act accordingly.

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