Heart stopped for 13 minutes, but regained normal(心脏停止跳动13分钟后恢复正常)



Ms.J.S. (50yo) was invited by a friend to receive the Jorei-Healing 20 years ago, but at that time she didn’t feel anything and stopped. In 2013, her mother suddenly felt pain in her back and was treated, but she died within a year, and she was unable to recover from her sorrow. On top of that, she herself had back pain for many years, and although she went to rehab every week, it didn’t get better at all, and she was very anxious because she didn’t know the cause of the bleeding from the gynecology by the checkup. So, in 2015, at the recommendation of a friend, she decided to try the Jorei-Healing for half a year, and received the Jorei-Healing 3 times a week. Then, in just 3 months, the gynecological problem was resolved, the back pain was relieved, and the sadness and anxiety disappeared before she knew it. She understood the purification effect and the principle of purification, and after becoming a member the following year, she began to do Jorei-Healing to other people, and she was happy to be useful to others, so she always went to the branch on her days off.

It was 7 p.m. on February 13, 2010. She got a call that her younger brother had collapsed, was not breathing and his heart had stopped. She panicked for a moment, but she asked the Jorei-Healing branch for God’s protection. Immediately after rushing to her brother’s house, the ambulance team arrived and gave him an electric shock, but there was no reaction, and he was taken to the hospital. She had been praying God for help and doing the Jorei-Healing to him from outside the emergency room. Immediately, he received the first miracle. His heart started beating. The doctor said that his heart had stopped for more than 13 minutes, so the impact on his brain was so big that he might not regain consciousness, and that even if he did regain consciousness, he might be only as intelligent as a 4yo, so he couldn’t be optimistic. She only asked God for help, and she didn’t think about anything else. Then the next day there was a second miracle. He regained consciousness and seemed to be able to understand what she was saying. After that, she continued to do the Jorei-Healing if she was allowed to visit. On the 5th day, visiting hours were restricted due to coronavirus measures, but on the 7th day, he was transferred to a regular ward, so she was able to continue the Jorei-Healing. As if what happened a week ago was a dream, her brother’s consciousness returned completely, and she was once again moved herself by the miracle of the Jorei-Healing when she saw her younger brother same as before. 10 days later, he was discharged from the hospital, and she and her younger brother visited the branch to thank to God and the Jorei-Healing. The Jorei-Healing saved her younger brother from just before death with immense power. She can’t express her gratitude to her in words, but she is acting to convey that as many people as possible can be saved by the power of the Jorei-Healing.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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