Urethral stone was excreted without pain(尿道结石无痛排出)



Ms.M.K.(49yo) had pain in her lower back at work in June 2016. At first, she didn’t care about it, but gradually the pain became severe, and she felt dizzy and pain in her left flank, groin neck, and lower abdomen, so she left the company early. She didn’t know if she would be able to go home on her own, but when she managed to get home, she was immediately felt chills and vomit, cold sweat, and severe pain. Even though she had the urge to urinate, she hardly came out of urine, and it was painful to lie down or sit. She is a member of the Jorei-Healing, so she was not worried because she had a sense of safe that she would get better with the Jorei-Healing. However, she couldn’t go to the branch by myself, so she asked her husband to take her to the branch and received the Jorei-Healing. The severe pain quickly subsided and she was able to sit up. When she got home, her husband did the Jorei-Healing for her, so she was able to endure the pain and sleep. Three days later, urination returned to normal, and when she was thinking about what the pain was, her sister told her it might be a urethral stone. After that, she had regular pain, but it was not severe and she only had mild symptoms by the Jorei-Healing. Then, in August, the severe pain came back again, so she came home from work, did the Jorei-Healing, and the severe pain subsided and she was able to sleep a little. After that, when she received the Jorei-Healing from her husband, the pain subsided even more, and she was very grateful for the effect of the Jorei-Healing. In the middle of the night on October 24, when she urinated in the toilet before going to bed, she felt something pop. And after flushing the toilet, there was a brown object left, so when she flushed it again, it remained. She wondered and picked it up, and it was a solid stone of about 6 mm. She was grateful that such a large stone came out without feeling pain when urinating. Even after she went back to bed, she couldn’t sleep for a while because the excitement didn’t cool down. Urethral stones are generally painful so much, so that they are said to be the king of pain, but she was able to get them out easily with the Jorei-Healing without pain. Her husband is also a member, so she can’t express in words the joy and gratitude of being able to do the Jorei-Healing with her family. She is making effort to convey this gratitude and excitement to as many people as possible.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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