Severe thinness due to abdominal pain was recovered(因腹痛而严重消瘦的情况已恢复)



M.T.S. (59yo) had a stomach ache when she was 18yo, went to many doctors, treated various things, and took a lot of medicines, but her appetite dropped and her weighed 33 kg. Seeing the severe pain caused by the abdominal pain, the whole family was worried. Around that time, she had the opportunity to hear about the Jorei-Healing, and she was surprised to hear that the Jorei-Healing can make you healthy. She couldn’t believe it, but she went to the Jorei-Healing branch with the intention of getting better. At the branch, many people were receiving the Jorei-Healing and she saw they were getting better. This scenery made her strongly desired to get well, and she continued to receive the Jorei-Healing. Then, strangely enough, 2 days later, at night, she was very hungry, so she took 2 cups of porridge, and 2 hours later she was hungry again, so she took biscuits. Since then, she has been able to eat normally, and her family was all surprised. She was convinced that this was thanks to the Jorei-Healing. The next day, thanks to a lot of diarrheas, her stomach felt better and she slept well at night. Her appetite became more and more vigorous, and she became so fat that she couldn’t fit her pants. After that, she continued the Jorei-Healing, and after 6 months, she made a full recovery. And she became the Jorei-Healing member, and now she is doing the Jorei-Healing for many people in the branch. She is engaged in activities to convey the wonders of the Jorei-Healing so that people all over the world can live a happy and peaceful life full of joy.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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