The torn Achilles tendon was connected by the Jorei-Healing(撕裂的跟腱通过净靈治疗连接起来)



Mr. K.K. (82yo) has been practicing for 46 years. He is grateful that he can live without any problems every day. Looking back, when he was younger, he was sick and relied on medical care frequently. At that time, he was taking a lot of medicine, but he got a stomach ulcer and went to the hospital every day to get injections. Over the course of one month, he had so many injections on the back of my left hand and back of his right hand that the needle would not go in. In addition, he often had eczema after catching a cold and taking medicine. At one point, he had a large, red, circular eczema on the back of his hand, and his dermatologist told him not to use pyrazalone-based antipyretic painkillers because it was a drug rash. Also, at the time of tooth extraction, the anesthesia did not work and he felt very painful. After getting married, his wife’s sickly mother resorted to various treatments and faith, but she did not get better, and in the end, I realized the greatness of the Jorei-Healing when he saw her get well with only the Jorei-Healing. Together with his wife, they became a member of the Jorei-Healing. After that, he repeatedly experienced that his health was improved by the purifying action of disease. At one point, the severe pain caused by sciatica was cured by the Jorei-Healing, and it has not recurred since then. Also, he had a torn left Achilles tendon at a volleyball game at work, but he had heard about the experience of being cured by Jorei-Healing, so he received Jorei-Healing with peace of mind. When the Achilles tendon broke, there was a loud noise that could be heard by the audience, and the audience was surprised. The Achilles tendon area was concave, and when he tried to move it, it wouldn’t move. After that, he went to the hospital and was told that he would not get better without surgery. However, he wanted to be cured with the Jorei-Healing, so he asked wife to pick him up and he went home. After that, he received daily cleansing at home, and 2 weeks later, he went to another hospital to submit a medical certificate to his workplace. Then, he was told that half of his Achilles tendon was torn, and when he compared it with the first hospital visit, he found that half of it was connected, and he realized the amazing effect of the Jorei-Healing. He recovered in 40 days, but to his surprise, he found that he could hear the sound when the Achilles tendon was connected. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, his legs were able to grow to the top, and he was able to work until he retired, and he was able to teach at a local gymnastics school until he was 80yo. At that time, he started to see things twice and his head started to light head, but when he received the Jorei-Healing every day, he gradually got better, and he no longer needed reading glasses. Thanks to receiving the Jorei-Healing every day, he could live a long life and work vigorously. He strongly felt that he could not take anything for granted that he could live with peace of mind every day, both in terms of life and health. He hopes that many people in the world will receive the Jorei-Healing and become healthy and happy.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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