Eczema, immobile neck, and severe abdominal pain go away(湿疹、颈部不动和剧烈腹痛消失)



Ms.K.T. (79yo) became a member because his wife and son got better with various illnesses with Jorei-Healing. When his son was 8yo, he had eczema on his body. When the seasons changed, his son was applying steroids because he couldn’t sleep because of itching. At that time, his son was happened to meet a Jorei-Healing member in school event, and told his son who was itching, that the itching would be relieved by the Jorei-Healing. After about a week, the itching really eased, and some of the eczema dried. He was moved to see how his son’s eczema, which had not healed even after going to the hospital, was getting better with the Jorei-Healing, and he started going to a nearby branch. He heard that if he joined, he could do the Jorei-Healing at home, so his wife became a member first. After that, when he continued to practice the Jorei-Healing for a month, his son’s dark-skin changed to white skin, the itching subsided, and he realized the awesomeness of the Jorei-Healing. Next is his experience. He woke up in the morning with a sore neck and found that his neck couldn’t move, and he couldn’t even drive a car, so he went to the hospital and doctor said that this could not be cured. Then his wife took him to the Jorei-Healing branch and received the Jorei-Healing for his first time. Within 5 minutes, the pain disappeared and he could move his neck. He thought this was a miracle. He was impressed that the Jorei-Healing was amazing, and when he saw his wife and son who were energized by the Jorei-Healing, he also would like to become a member. Then, all family became members. Since then, he has received many miraculous blessings, so he would like to introduce some of them. He and his wife moved out of big city and into the countryside when their children became independent, and started natural farming recommended by the Jorei-Healing association. Early one morning, he woke up with pain in his lower right abdomen. When he finished his breakfast, he had severe pain from his lower abdomen to his kidneys, so he received a cleansing from his wife, but he had diarrhea and vomiting repeatedly. He couldn’t go to the branch, so he asked the branch master to come to his house. Then, he started vomiting again after the Jorei-Healing and a lot of filth that smelled of medicine were excreted. After that, his body became very comfortable, the pain went away, and he could lie down on the bed and relax. The next day, he was impressed by how well he recovered enough to go to see the rice fields. He is grateful that God keeps him being healthier, and he want to continue to make completely pesticide-free vegetables for people for as long as possible through the Jorei-Healing.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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