Diabetes is cured and doctor amazed(糖尿病被治愈了,医生感到惊讶)



Ms.E.T.(74yo) was diabetic long time and always conscious of not getting her blood sugar levels worse, and she was nervous when the test approached. At that time, a friend taught me about the Jorei-Healing, so she went to the Jorei-Healing branch for the first time in April 2016. She was skeptical that this method would really make her better, but she still remembers feeling better after receiving 1st Jorei-Healing. She heard that the Jorei-Healing purify the spirit, normalize the physiology of the body, and excretes impurities in the body, so she hoped that the Jorei-Healing might make a positive change in the sugar level. After receiving the Jorei-Healing at the branch, and went to the hospital for a periodical test, and her blood sugar level, which was in the third stage last time, had greatly improved to the normal value of the first stage. The doctor was amazed that this could not be happened. Until now, she would not get better even if she took medication. She had been told that she would have to go on dialysis if move worse to the fifth stage, so this was truly a miracle. Her physical condition was getting better and better, and her friend told her that she was walking faster and more energetic, so she told the friend that she was cured by the Jorei-Healing. Then another friend decided to try it, and when she took her immediately, the swelling went down and the friend felt better. She was cured of diabetes, which was said to be incurable, and became a Jorei-Healing member in July 2016 because she wanted to tell her friends about the greatness of the Jorei-Healing. Even now, she has recovered from many illnesses such as numbness in her legs and pain in her hands, and these purifications have reduced toxins in her body, reduced her weight, changed her mental problems and thoughts, and she is now able to spend her time comfortably and energetically. She wants as many people as possible to know about the Jorei-Healing and try.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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