Autonomic nervous disorder cured(自主神经紊乱治愈)



Ms. F.O. (83yo) started having migraines when she was 30yo, and she went to a neurosurgeon to see if there was one, but the cause was not known, and she was eventually diagnosed with Autonomic nervous disorder. At the hospital, she was prescribed medicines and injections, and she tried Chinese herbal medicines, but she did not recover, and she tried what my acquaintances recommended, exorcisms at shrines and temples, and prayers, but it had no effect at all. On the contrary, her condition worsened and she spent 3 years lying in bed. And because she couldn’t drink water and had no appetite and no strength, she was malnourished and managed to go to the hospital. At that time, her senior sister told her about the Jorei-Healing. She recommended that she try it once because there is a mysterious therapy called the Jorei-Healing. She visited the branch because she would be very happy if her symptoms would get better. And on the night of the first time of receiving the Jorei-Healing, she had an appetite and was able to eat, so she realized it was amazing, and she went to the branch every day from the next day. After that, her headache eased, her appetite increased, her strength increased, and she gradually recovered from her recovery. She became a member, and her parents and family members who saw her continue to recover by the Jorei-Healing were moved by the mysterious power of the Jorei-Healing, and they all became members.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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