Breathlessness caused by hyperventilation has been cured(过度换气已治愈)



Mr. A.G.(63yo) was 21yo when he was out for work when he suddenly found it difficult to breathe. He did not care at first, but it didn’t heal and his breathing became faster, so he went back to the office and asked his boss to take him to the hospital. The symptom was hyperventilation, and he thought he was going to die. At the hospital, he took an electrocardiogram and an X-ray, and they said there was no issues. The back of his throat was a little red, so doctor was asked if he had a cold, but even though he was in danger of dying, he was disappointing that this doctor was so relaxed. But that night, while he was sleeping, the phlegm became entangled, and even if he drank spit, the phlegm continued to get tangled and he felt like he was going crazy. He asked his mother for help, and she immediately called the Jorei-Healing branch. His mother was a member of the Jorei-Healing. And then the branch master came to the house and started the Jorei-Healing, but it was his first time, so he didn’t really know what was going on, but his body felt better, and before he knew it, he was asleep. After that, there was no sputum involved. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, his body became more energetic and he began to go to branches. After that, he became a member because he felt even more energetic. He had more experiences by Jorei-Healing until now. For example, while maintenance of a car, hot water was splashed from the entire back of the left hand to the elbow. He immediately received a Jorei-Healing at the branch, and the pain disappeared and he could sleep at night without pain. When she received the Jorei-Healing every day, the back of his hand, which was severely burned, became blistered, and the skin turned black in the area where the boiling water was splashed. However, the black skin peeled off, and beautiful skin came out from underneath. The large skin on the back of the hand naturally peeled off to become clean skin, and it became the color of the back of the right hand. Boiling water may leave burn marks sometimes, but he was surprised and grateful that such a severe burn could be healed in a short period of 30 days with only Jorei-Healing. He hopes as many people as possible to experience the Jorei-Healing.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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