Bowel prolapse and eczema cured(脱垂和湿疹痊愈)



Mr. K.M.(76yo) became a member when he was 26yo. That year, he had a prolapse and needed surgery immediately. When he consulted with his wife, she said that there was a method called the Jorei-Healing that did not require surgery, so he would like to try it. At that time, there was no Jorei-Healing branch nearby, so they took a train and a bus on their days off and drove 2 hours to the Hiroshima Jorei-Healing branch. After hearing from the branch master and members in the branch, it was hopeful that the prolapse of the intestine might be cured by the Jorei-Healing. If you become a member, you can do the Jorei-Healing at home, so his wife immediately became a member. He received the Jorei-Healing every day at home, and after about 2 months, he became a member, too. Around June of that year, he noticed that his bowel prolapses had improved before he knew it, and he was impressed by the amazing effect of the Jorei-Healing. Also, he had another experience at the age of 67, he had eczema all over his body, except from the neck up. He had a slight fever and the top of his head felt particularly hot. In addition, there was edema from both elbows to both hands, especially on the arms, and a thick black scab covered the arms and hands. In the middle of the night, he had a lot of night sweats, his whole body was roughened with scabs and pus, and his knees couldn’t bend. He couldn’t sleep for days due to severe pain and itching. He didn’t get enough sleep, and he was tired and went to bed every day. During that time, he visited the branch as much as he could and received the Jorei-Healing. At home, as a result of his wife’s Jorei-Healing, his appetite continued, he could walk, and he felt better with less pain than he looked. After a while, the scab also began to come off little by little. However, both legs began to swell and were covered with scabs. There were days when he couldn’t sleep because of the pain and itching. Finally, he had no choice but to take a break from farming, which he loved. After about two months, blood and pus began to come out, the swelling in my legs gradually decreased, and the scab began to peel off little by little. After peeling off, the skin was pink, but then it turned into normal skin. At first, he was worried about what would happen, but he didn’t worry because he was always saved by the Jorei-Healing. As a result, his mind and body always felt at ease, and he felt calm and grateful. This is the charm of the Jorei-Healing. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, he could resume farming after 5 months, and he didn’t have to worry about eczema and itching. He is grateful for the wonderful effect of the Jorei-Healing.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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