Entire family was saved by the Jorei-Healing(全家人都被净礼治愈术拯救了)



Mr. Y.O.’s (53yo) mother had childhood asthma when she was a child, so after getting a job, she was barely able to take nutritional pills and work. Even after marriage, she relied on drugs, and after her miscarriage, she had insomnia, and when she continued to take medication for psychosis, a few weeks later she developed acute hepatitis due to a side effect of the medication and was hospitalized for 1.5 months. In the meantime, his mother lost her appetite and was diagnosed with mental illness. At that time, his mother was suffering in such a terrible condition that she considered suicide, her face was pale, she was emaciated, and she cried every day, so the atmosphere at home was gloomy, and he grew up in that environment. However, one day, a neighbor saw his mother’s suffering and taught her about the Jorei-Healing which is a very good health method that does not rely on drugs. The neighbor took his mother to the branch and she received the Jorei-Healing for 2 days, and she was relieved of insomnia and became cheerful and energetic. Two years later, she became pregnant. Since she almost gave up baby because of many miscarriages for 9 years, she was crying with great joy. He remembers how happy he was when he saw his mother who had become healthy because of the Jorei-Healing. When his mother started receiving the Jorei-Healing, he was also sickly, so we started going to the branch together. Then he didn’t have to rely on medication and became healthy. Naturally, he had a fever, abdominal pain, and injuries, but each time he got better with the Jorei-Healing, and he became a member when he was 9yo. At that time, his mother was getting better, but his father could not believe in the Jorei-Healing yet. However, during a softball game, his father collided violently and suffered a mild concussion, which led to him receiving the Jorei-Healing. Then he became a Jorei-Healing member, because he experienced that his body condition was getting better every time he received it. His mother told us not to forget this gratitude because our family would have collapsed if she had not been met the Jorei-Healing, so her joy when his father joined was even greater. He himself became anemic during the exam in university and was unable to move after he arrived at the branch, but he was recovered by the Jorei-Healing and could take the exam the next day and passed exam. His university was close to the branch, so he would receive the Jorei-Healing whenever he had time. Many people came to the branch who were suffering from mental and physical problems, and when he saw them recovering and smiling while receiving the Jorei-Healing, he felt that the power of it was amazing. He enjoyed his studies and club activities at university, but in his heart, he felt somewhat unsatisfied, and he couldn’t feel truly satisfied. On the other hand, he was happy to go to the branch and receive the Jorei-Healing, and by doing it to others, he was happy to make people been happy, and it was the most fulfilling time for him. Naturally, he thought how wonderful it would be if he could be involved in the work of saving people for the rest of his life, so he became a association member after graduation from Uni. Even in the branch he is currently in charge of, people who have been suffering both physically and mentally are becoming happier and happier, and the circle of happiness that conveys their joy to others and the Jorei-Healing is gradually expanding. Three years ago, his father became ill with an incurable disease, and he was unable to lift his hands due to severe pain in his neck and shoulders, lack of sleep and loss of appetite. There is no medical treatment or medicine for this disease, and he heard that some people lose their lives. However, by receiving the Jorei-Healing every day, he could live a normal life. He would like to continue to convey the Jorei-Healing so that as many people as possible will be saved and happy.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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