Anemia and hepatitis cured(贫血、肝炎痊愈)



Ms. Y.M.(71yo) delivered her first daughter by cesarean section when she was 27yo, but due to a blood transfusion at that time, she contracted hepatitis 1 month later, and was hospitalized for 4 months with yellow eyes and jaundice. The doctor told her that she should not be pregnant or work after she was discharged from the hospital. As a daughter-in-law, I was distressed and worried about not being able to do housework, and I was also worried about continuing to take a large amount of medicine. After she was discharged from the hospital, one of her relatives who saw her suffering from anxiety suggested that she try the Jorei-Healing. She immediately visited the branch. At first, she doubted that this method would really improve her physical condition, but as she continued to receive the Jorei-Healing, she found that her body became lighter and easier day by day. She felt that this was amazing, so she went to the hospital to check the condition of her body and had her liver examined. To her surprise, her anemia and hepatitis had been cured. Normally, she was scared because of the high liver values at the hospital, but this time it was like a dream, and she was filled with gratitude and joy for the Jorei-Healing. A few years later, she became pregnant with her second daughter and her first son. When she had her eldest daughter by cesarean section, it is usually difficult to give birth naturally, but thanks to the Jorei-Healing effect, she could avoid having a cesarean section. She is truly grateful for the effects of the Jorei-Healing. Next, she will tell you about her experience of improving her eyesight. Her eyesight was getting worse around the age of 20 and had been changed her glasses many times over the past 40 years. For this reason, she had always received the Jorei-Healing to her eyes. When she was 58yo, she took off her glasses to renew her driver’s license and took an eye test, and her eyesight had improved significantly, and she surprised to renew the license without glasses. When she was younger, she struggled with poor health, but as she got older, she became more and more energetic and grateful for the Jorei-Healing. She would like to tell you about this experience because she wants people who have various problems to know and experience the Jorei-Healing and be happy.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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