My mom got Colon CANCER(我妈妈得了结肠癌)



In early March, the fever recurred and the pain appeared, but as the fever subsided, it became easier and her physical condition stabilized. The results of the previous blood collection on February 26 came out on March 8 (about 2 weeks later), but most of the values such as red blood cell count, hemoglobin amount, and protein content had deteriorated. The reason for this is presumed to be that she had a high fever and pain on the day of the blood collection, and her physical condition was at his worst. The doctor was concerned and offered to visit her every week to check on her condition. However, about 2 weeks have passed since the last blood collection, and my mom’s physical condition has passed the worst period and has stabilized. There is always a time lag between the time of blood collection and the announcement of the results, and the follow-up method is questioned because it diverges from the doctor’s advice and the most recent condition. Due to poor results, doctor collected her blood for on March 21 again. Doctor looks like she will soon die so that he tries his best to predict the timing. But we as promoting Jorei-Healing try our best to heal her disease to be healthy. I hope next blood test result will be better. I do not intend to criticize Doctor’s activity but I want to inform you that natural purification method based on Jorei-Healing made her being survived longer than usual medical treatment was the fact. It is kind of normal thinking way in USA and Europe that natural healing without medical treatment is the best method to cure cancer. Japan’s way which promotes medical treatment is totally different from them. But, consequently cancer patient number in USA and Europe decreased. In Japan, cancer patient increased 4 times more in the past 60 years, although their medical technology is one of the highest levels in the world. You can understand easily what does this result would like to tell us, can’t you.

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