Urethral stones came out naturally(尿道结石自然就出来了)



On October 4, 2020, Ms.Y.L. (69yo) had a stomachache from the morning that day, but she didn’t pay much attention to it. The next day, after doing farm work in the morning as usual and having lunch at home, she started to have a cold sweat all over her body and couldn’t stop vomiting. She went to the hospital because her stomach was so bad that her family was worried. She was checked by X-ray and an echo at the hospital, but nothing was found. At that time, the pain was unbearable, so she gave painkiller injections, but the pain did not subside. After that, the doctor began to suspect the stomach and cecum, and examined it with a gastroscope, but nothing wrong was found. She had become a member of the Jorei-Healing member in 2013, so she had been receiving it from her husband for a long time. When she received the Jorei-Healing, she felt something coming down from near her left ureter along with the pain. For that reason, she decided to have a CT scan, but the result was not known. After that, she immediately had the urge to urinate, so when she went to the toilet, a large amount of urine came out, and at that time, she heard a noise, so she looked in the toilet bowl and found a light black stone about 1.5 x 1 cm. After the stone came out, the pain was gone. She could recover her physical strength immediately and could leave the hospital two days later and return to farming. She was very grateful that she could excrete the large stone with the Jorei-Healing without artificial removing operation. Also, even though she didn’t even know the cause of the pain at the hospital, she was very happy to be able to recover with the Jorei-Healing. She was diagnosed with kidney atrophy before she met the Jorei-Healing (more than 20 years ago), but after an examination, she was told that the kidney atrophy was completely cured. In general, it is said that kidney atrophy cannot be cured, so she thinks that it was recovered by the Jorei-Healing. She is full of gratitude for the amazing miracle of the Jorei-Healing in this way. She hopes that people in the world will soon learn about the Jorei-Healing.

*I refer to the new health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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