Non moving neck has healed(颈部无法活动已痊愈)



Mr.K.H.(72yo) felt pain and fatigue in his neck and shoulders in 2019 and couldn’t move his neck. This severe pain was the first time in his long life. He couldn’t lie down, stand, or sleep without his son’s assistance. Washing his face and changing clothes in the morning was a very painful movement with severe pain. He was a member of the Jorei-Healing, so when he received the Jorei-Healing at home, he could move his neck a little on the 2nd day, the pain subsided on the 3rd day, and he could go upstairs on the 4th day. As a precaution, he was examined at the hospital and was diagnosed with ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament, which recommended early surgery. The surgery requires to cut and open in the back of the neck. However, he heard that there were some people who were left with the sequelae of paralysis of both legs after the same surgery, so he wanted to cure it with the Jorei-Healing. As he continued to receive the Jorei-Healing, the pain in his shoulders and arms gradually eased, and he could return to work after 18 days. After that, there was no severe pain, and when he was examined at the hospital 7 months later, the diagnosis was that there was nothing abnormal. He is very happy and sincerely grateful to the Jorei-Healing. He will continue to convey the awesomeness of the Jorei-Healing to many people.

*I refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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