saved life from LUNG DISEASE(肺部疾病)


He/Japan coughed and it became hard to breathe. And it got worse and worse. He decided to go to the hospital because his children were worried. Doctors told him that lungs were black and that he should be hospitalized immediately to stop the progression of the disease. Since the condition of his lungs was bad and surgery was not possible, he started intravenous drips, oxygen inhalation, and medication. He was admitted to the hospital on December 18, but he was not sure if he would be able to survive until the end of December. His wife was a member, so he received the Jorei-Healing at the hospital every day. Easy days and hard days took turns, and sometimes his sight was black out and he almost fainted, but when he thanked God for being alive, it became strangely easier. He received the Jorei-Healing every day and the time to breathe became easier. Finally, he was able to leave the hospital a month later, on January 18. Many his friends said it was a miracle. The doctor also said that it was a miracle that he was able to spend the New Year judging from the old age (eighties) and medical condition. After that, when he had a follow up checkup in the hospital, the doctor told him to consider using oxygen inhalation because he was not completely cured, but he has never used it because it becomes easier faster if he has the Jorei-Healing. He is truly grateful given life by the Jorei-Healing.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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