released from MEDICINES(医药生活)


Ms.A.M./Japan had a serious headache since she was young. Although her sister who was Jorei-Healing member recommended her to visit to branch, she hesitated to visit at that time. One day, when she had a knee pain, she felt like visiting to the branch and tried the Jorei-Healing. Although she was told by branch master that sick is a purifying action to clean the body, she couldn’t believe it at the time. But, once she had the Jorei-Healing, the pain in her knee was easier, so she was surprised. After that, she continued to have Jorei-Healing every day. Surprisingly, she could walk easier, so she became interested in Jorei-Healing and became a member in 2017. In 2021, she had a severe headache and could not get up. But she was surprised again that she could walk next day after she had the Jorei-Healing. And after this headache improved, she felt even better. Since she was young, she was always with medicines, and worried what to do if medicine effect was terminated. But now she could be released from medicines related anxiety by Jorei-Healing.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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