recovery from LIVER disease(肝病)


In 2014, Ms.M.N./Nepal had jaundice all over her body and her belly swelled as if she was pregnant. She always had a heavy-feeling, she could hardly eat and she could not do housework at all. When she went to the hospital, the doctor told her that she had a liver disease and that she had no more life, so she should spend the little time left with her family. In order to reconfirm if it is correct, she went to a hospital in Kathmandu and a famous hospital in India. But she was told the same thing and almost gave up. One day, someone told me that there was a place where people could get well with Jorei-Healing, so she immediately went to the branch and started having Jorei-Healing from that time. Then, on the 17th day, the swelled belly was disappeared and her physical condition improved. She can also eat with an appetite and move my body easily. In the second month since she had Jorei-Healing, she felt very energetic. When she went to the hospital again, to her surprise, the doctor told her that she was okay already. She realized that her life had been saved by the great Jorei-Healing power.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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