saved from CEREBRAL INFARCTION (脑梗塞)


Mr. K.K./Japan suffered a cerebral infarction at the age of 57, while changing clothes after the shower at a golf club. His left hands and legs went numb and he couldn’t get any power in his hand. He is a Jorei-Healing member, so he sat down on a chair and started the Jorei-Healing. 10 minutes later, the numbness was disappeared. After that, when he fetched his wife by car and arrived his house, he felt numbness again and lost power in his left hands and legs. He managed to park the car in house garage, but he didn’t have any power in his legs. He managed to enter the house with his wife’s help. His legs were numbing and he couldn’t move at all, and his left cheek twitched, so he couldn’t speak well. He quickly asked branch master to come to house. When the branch master came for the Jorei-Healing, his numbs gradually recovered and he was able to go to the toilet by himself. After having Jorei-Healing every day for one week, he gradually recovered and could move his left hand and mouth. Two weeks later, he could get back to work. After that, the body checkup at the hospital showed that there was one trace of cerebral infarction but no abnormalities in others, and he was surprised and appreciated to Jorei-Healing.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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