recovered from HEART DISEASE(心脏病)


Ms.F.K./Japan 60yo went to the hospital, because she felt dull ache frequently. The doctor recommended hospitalization because the condition of the heart and liver was very bad. She was hospitalized twice, and although her liver recovered, her heart did not cure. The name of the disease was coronary atherosclerosis, and she went to the hospital for 7 years and continued to take Chinese herbal medicines and supplements, but the ECG (electro-cardiogram) showed that the heart symptoms worsened seriously. The doctor said that there are only 1 in 1,000 people like her who have a bad heart and blood vessels and if this situation continues, she will have a myocardial infarction. The results by medication for 7 years were so bad that she convinced that medicine would not help her. Around that time, she heard that Jorei-Healing can be healthy without the use of drugs. She immediately went to the branch and felt that after receiving Jorei-Healing four times, her physical condition was different. At that time, although she wanted to ride on bicycle, she couldn’t due to her unstable body balance. But when she came back to home after Jorei-Healing, she could ride on a bicycle, and she was so happy. Since she can do Jorei-Healing by herself, she immediately became a member. She received the Jorei-Healing every other day, and after three months, she could do anything by herself. She could go to farm work, sports, and overnight hot spring trips as if she forgot that she had had 7 years severe heart disease. After that, she caught cold, constipations, but until now, at the age of 80, she has not taken medicines and is living well with just Jorei-Healing.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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