wisdom to know TRUTH(知道真相的智慧)


【deaths after vaccination in Japan】
2,001 deaths (February 2021 ~ January 2023)

Until last year (2022), there was only one case where a relationship between vaccination and death was approved by Japan government. But this year (2023), they approved additional 40 cases by March. This is good tendency. As usual, the Japan media does not report it in Japan, but I feel additional approval seems to affect by the lawsuit filed against the Japan government by the vaccine victim’s family association and the volunteer doctor’s association formed last year. In addition, many hidden after-effects evidence of vaccine has gathered, and minor political parties have begun pressuring the current Kishida administration for the truth.

In October 2021, Malaysia Government gave up on the herd immunity effect of vaccination and decided not to relax restrictions on movement unless the total vaccination rate was over 80%. Therefore, vaccination was voluntary, but the government made it impossible to operate unless private companies force to vaccinate to all workers, so vaccination became almost mandatory. As a result, about 99% of the adult population was vaccinated. Malaysia also recently took up 13,650 adverse reaction data in parliament. One of politician pointed out that why nobody pursues this issue. Malaysia has just started. According to information from a nearby banker, at least more than 40% of the customers felt that their bodies had become abnormal after vaccination, and he heard one of them died.

Conventional inactivated vaccines used to approve after the confirmation of safety through more than 10 years of verification and clinical trials. But some of the doctors say this vaccine is in emergency use in 9 months and safety is not guaranteed. Thus, whatever we put into our body, we need to investigate carefully and judge its safety until we convince by ourselves. It’s too late, when regretted we have shot. Fortunately or unfortunately, we can now investigate on the Internet. In order to find the truth from many disinformation, wisdom is necessary for us. And I always receive wisdom from the Jorei-Healing teachings.

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