recovered from HEMORRHOIDS(痔疮)


For the past 30 years, Ms.R.M./Japan admitted hospital three times due to a stomach ulcer. During she was working, she was always irritated and had stomachache from stress, so she had medicines always with her. Later, when her hemorrhoids worsened, her friend explained for the Jorei-Healing which does not use medicines, but she couldn’t believe that such a stupid thing could happen. However, she tried it once from her friend. She felt that her hemorrhoids and stomach condition had eased a little next day, so she started to go to the branch to have the Jorei-Healing. Surprisingly, she recovered after one month. The more she learned about medicines and artificial toxins, the more scared to take them. After that, she stopped taking medicine and concentrated on the Jorei-Healing. It is still strange to recover by just Jorei-Healing without taking medicines and injections that could not be stopped for 30 years. She hopes that as many people as possible will experience the Jorei-Healing.

*I Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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