INFANTILE PARALYSIS recovery(小儿麻痹康复)


Mr. D.D.A.P/Brazil became infantile paralysis when he was 6yo and lost sensation in his legs. One day, his mother heard about Jorei-Healing and brought him to the branch. The branch was 30 kilometers away from home and it was hard to go to there every day, but his mother took him every day during six months to cure his sick. Sensation of his hands and feet had gradually returned three months after he had started the Jorei-Healing. His mother was very happy, and after three more months of Jorei-Healing, his hands and feet began to gain strength. However, after that, he had to move to a place 120 kilometers away from the branch due to family reasons, and he could not have the Jorei-Healing. But his hand and feet have recovered, and now he got married and had children, and he really appreciated Jorei-Healing. These days, he can live 28 kilometers away from the branch and have Jorei-Healing. Now he is a bus driver. Infantile paralysis is paralyzed and crippled in the hands and feet, and it is truly like a dream for him to be able to drive buses. He would like to convey the wonderfulness of the Jorei-Healing to everyone.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper for the above.

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