recovered from ASTHMA(3)(哮喘痊愈)



Ms.T.M. was diagnosed with bronchial asthma when she was 3 years old. Every time she had an asthma attack, she went to the hospital and took orange liquid, and the attack subsided. She took the medicine at home and took medicinal herbs. She had asthma every month, but when she was 4 years old, she met the Jorei-Healing. After bloodshot eyes, after sleeps, after sports days and field trips, asthma attacks always occurred in the middle of the night. When asthma attacked, she couldn’t lie down and was crawling in pain. However, when she had the Jorei-Healing at that time, she was completely healed after 2~3 days.

However, she didn’t understand much about the Jorei-Healing and began to try other treatments. When she was 14yo, as a result of the body check-up, she decided to have 1~2 injections per week for 3 months to change and improve her body condition. After that, every time she had an asthma attack, the attack was stopped immediately with powder medicines, injections, and an inhaler, and she felt the great effects of the medication. However, the number of inhalers increased to 15 times, even though they were limited to 2 times a day. She also used a lot of medication and gained 6 kg in 3 years, especially her face was swollen. She also tried everything such as needle treatment, going to temples for pray and etc, but asthma attack increased and nothing could heal her.

At that time, the Jorei-Healing member happened to meet her, and she understood from the explanation that asthma was the symptom of discharging medicinal toxins. Before the attack, she became irritated and short temper, and she increased an appetite and her neck became fat. Then she had an asthma attack in the middle of the night and suffering continued until headaches, palpitations, and tachycardia would reach its peak. The suffering sometimes continued for three days. The mild attack always lasted for about 10 days after strong attacks and it healed when cold symptoms with phlegm. At that time, she always felt the medicine taste which used for teeth treatment in her mouth. One day, she had a mild attack, so she massaged her shoulders and back. It made her suddenly suffered her and she couldn’t move. There was a severe pain in her interscapular region and ribs, but it quickly became easier after having the Jorei-Healing. This kind of severe pain did not occur since then. She was always having the Jorei-Healing after her working life started.

In particular, the Jorei-Healing to the head made her feel easier. And the Jorei-Healing to kidney area made asthma attack to herself for a minute, but it made her being easier after phlegm and burp came out. Morning Jorei-Healing was important because it made her head and back much easier. Thanks to that, she could work without taking medical leaves. When she was 25yo, eczema came out on the middle finger of right hand and made her feeling itch and pain. But after an asthma attack, it calmed down and she got well. Then she got eczema again and again for two years and toxins came out from her body, so that now the pain of asthma was lesser and she felt past hard days seemed to be a lie. She regretted taking many medicines and injections since she first knew the Jorei-Healing. She is grateful very much for the Jorei-Healing power and for her family to support her.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper for the above.

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