DEAF boy was cured(聋男孩被治愈)



Ms.I.R.D received a 4 months old baby boy from someone in need and was carefully taking care of him. However, when he became 2yo, he was found to be deaf and was taken to the hospital. Then, doctor said it cannot be cured without surgery but he could not have surgery until 7yo. She was worried if he could be cured 3 years later. When the boy was 4yo, she moved her house due to her family reason. Fortunately, she heard the Jorei-Healing and immediately brought him to a nearby branch to try it. When the boy returned home after the Jorei-Healing two times, a sticky liquid mixed with blood and pus began to come from his mouth and ears, which lasted for a week. At the end of one week, when she was wiping his ears, the boy reacted as he could hear and she could clearly see that he was hearing! She thought it was a dream, but it was true. She couldn’t believe there was such a happiness. Since then, he had received the Jorei-Healing every day, and now he can hear completely. She is grateful for the wonderful Jorei-Healing Power. She also became a member after this miracle.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper for the above.

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