early cure of acute APPENDICTIS (急性阑尾炎痊愈)



Ms.N.C is a member of Jorei-Healing. Her son has been receiving the Jorei-Healing since he was born. One day, her son suddenly had a stomachache and was lying down. In the middle of the night, he felt pain in his whole stomach but suddenly vomited and calmed down and slept until morning. There was no pain next morning, but when he moved or walked, he felt something wrong in his stomach. So, she did the Jorei-Healing to him many times, and he could eat as usual. Upon her husband request, she took him to the hospital for check-up. Result was white blood cells had increased to 14,000, and he felt hurt when doctor touched cecum part. Doctor said that he was an appendicitis but immediate surgery is not necessary. The next day, he had diarrhea after woke up. And every hour he had a bubble-like bowel movement, and the pain was calm down. On the fourth day, he spent an hour to go to the branch. He walked slowly with care on the way to go to branch, but he could walk with fine on the way back after the Jorei-Healing. On the fifth day, he had a check-up again at the hospital because her husband was worried. Surprisingly, her son’s white blood cells dropped to 5600, and the doctor seemed not able to believe why the appendicitis was cured so quickly. Doctor said that her son was already cured and did not need any treatment. When she told her friend about this, the friend surprised that it healed in a short period of time without surgery or medicine. It was an event that made her realize once again the wonderful power of Jorei-Healing. She wants to share this health method with as many people as possible in the world.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper for the above.

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