Recovery from blood cancer(血癌康复)



8 years ago, Ms.B.R.G. suddenly lost strength, difficulty breathing, and could not speak. When she went to the hospital, the doctor diagnosed blood cancer. She was so surprised and thought she was going to die soon. She was hospitalized for two weeks, but she was becoming worries very much. She vomited blood 14 times in six months, and she vomited blood twice a year until fifth year since she became cancer. In sixth year, she happened to hear about the Jorei-Healing and immediately visited and started it. Then, her physical condition gradually improved and began to gain strength. The vomiting of blood stopped, and she became better day by day and now she returned to her previous physical good condition. And seventh year, she became a member. Although doctor told her that no longer be saved, she is alive and well now. She was sure everything is thanks to the Jorei-Healing. She told the doctor that she was cured by the Jorei-Healing, and the doctor said ‘You were already cured. Since Jorei-Healing is so wonderful, you had better to continue it’. The doctor also encouraged his wife to try the Jorei-Healing, then wife and daughter began the Jorei-Healing.

*Above is referred to the new health association newspaper.

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