Saved from severe asthma(4)(免于严重哮喘)



Ms.K.T is now 43 years old. When she was 4 years old, she started to have eczema on her elbows and knees, and she was told that it was atopic dermatitis, so she got medicine at the hospital and applied it to the affected area. She also took medicine and went to the hospital once a week. It was good right after applying the drug, but it recurred later soon. As she repeated this condition many times, it gradually got worse and worse, and she was living a painful day due to itching and pain. She went to various hospitals and received various treatments, but it did not get better, and she was worried about when it would get better. When she was 11yo, she started experiencing asthma symptoms and it was hard to breathe. At the hospital, she also had inhalers, injections, intravenous drips, and hospitalizations. It became easier then, but after a while it recurred. Just like with eczema, she had seizures and repeated medication. Her asthma did not get better and became more severe with age. When she became 13yo, she started to absent from school, and she couldn’t do physical education like her other friends, she couldn’t swim of course, she couldn’t participate in sports days. By that time, the inhaler had stopped working, and she was running to the hospital in the middle of the night. Immediately after the inhaler, it is easy, but after a few hours it returns to normal, so her mother took her to the hospital many times. As her asthma got worse, she went to a hospital specializing in asthma, but it didn’t heal there either. Her mother desperately searched for a place to heal and tried acupuncture, massage, and electrotherapy. She was full of frustration and sadness as to why she could not be cured. When she became 16yo, her mother heard about the Jorei-Healing from a neighbor and took her to the branch. At the branch, she was given explanations about the purifying effects and medicinal poisons, and for the first time she realized that what she had been doing was wrong. Branch master told her that both eczema and asthma had a purifying effect to excrete toxins. She felt like she had been told the truth for the first time in her life. The fact that the results of more than 10 years of treatment were getting worse proved the explanation. After that, she started to receive the Jorei-Healing every day, and she felt refreshed and her body seemed to improve little by little. And she began to have a glimmer of hope. After that, she had asthma attacks many times, but she believed that the purification symptoms would be a sign of getting better, and continued Jorei-Healing. She excreted a lot of running nose and phlegm, her body became lighter, and her asthma attacks gradually eased year by year. She does not know what would have happened if she hadn’t met the Jorei-Healing. It has been 27 years since she was saved her life by the Jorei-Healing. She really appreciates very much for mother, neighbors who introduced her to the Jorei-Healing, and the branch master. She hopes that this experience will reach people all over the world who are suffering from asthma and that as many people as possible will be healthy.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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