our theory of sick recovery process-part2(我们的病愈过程理论)

Healing Practice

This is my understanding.

As stated on part1, cloudiness in the spirit reflects to physical body and it becomes sick. So, if cloudiness is purified, sick should be easier or disappeared. Jorei-Healing role is to purify the cloudiness in the spirit instead of curing sick directly.

【sick recovery process】
1. Starts purifing the cloudiness in the spirit by Jorei-Healing.
2. Body excretion (fever, phlegm, diarrhea, vomit etc) starts,too.
3. Jorei-Healing activates excretion smoothly and quickly.
4. Cloudiness is purified and excrement stops after enough detoxification.
5. Sick is recovered, easier and so on (all are depending on cloudiness seriousness).

【how often we need Jorei-Healing?】
There is no specific answer because different person has different cloudiness in the spirit by amount of toxins in the body. But unlike medicine or other treatment, you can never have too much Jorei-Healing. You can have as many sessions as you want. Furthermore, each person’s experience is different. Some people experiece an immediate change while others only do so after several sessions. Please do not prejudge Jorei-Healing after just one session.

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