MANY HEALTH PROBLEMS were resolved(许多健康问题得到解决)



Ms.N.F (57yo), had many health problems that medicine couldn’t solve and thought she had to take medication for the rest of her life. Said five health problems are as follows.
(1) Migraines: It was caused by violence. Migraines due to neuralgia in the cervical region lasted for two days, each with nausea. She took strong medicines, injected cortisone, darkened her room all day, and wore earplugs. The side effects of the medication were so severe that she consulted with the pain relief center, but in vain. Headache and neuralgia attacks occurred 2~3 times a month. Also, the neck wobbled when she moved her neck a little, so she had it massaged twice a week to correct the bone to the original position. At night, she had to wear a special pillow and a cervical corset to sleep.
(2) Poor blood circulation: She started taking medication when she was about 18yo, and wore tights to tighten her legs. But when she was 46yo, she surgically removed the veins between her groin and ankles. Then began the sensation of burns in the affected area and mental irritation.
(3) Sleepless issue: Since she was 52yo, she has had to take sleeping medicines to sleep.
(4) Eye allergies: Allergies was started when she was 47yo, but she was told that there was no solutions.
(5) Lump in the left breast: Hormone treatment caused a lump and the possibility of cancer.

When she was 55yo, she started Jorei-Healing. After receiving second Jorei-Healing, she started having a purification effect such as headaches, catching colds, and severe swollen throat. Therefore, she went to the branch every day for 15 days and had the Jorei-Healing twice a day. The headache disappeared in 2 days, and she had a lot of running nose and phlegm. Sleepless issue was recovered in 5 days, the neuralgia in the neck disappeared, and the sensation of burns in the legs and mental irritation were disappeared. Although eye mucus came out a lot and made eyelids stuck together, it gradually healed. At the same time, her eyesight improved. Now, 15 months after she started receiving the Jorei-Healing, her mind was easier and body became stronger than before. It is more resistant to cold than before, and it saved 30% of the heating cost in winter. The swelling of the body also recovered, and she returned to the shape before hormone treatment. She has a headache about once a month even now, but it is much easier than before and heals in half a day to one day. Thanks to the Jorei-Healing, so many health problems were cured, and her life became better.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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