

Ms.A.T., 53, had been suffering from headaches and menstrual cramps since she was a student, so she went to the hospital and took medicine. However, it did not get better, and she was tired easily and unwell. When she was over 20yo, she started having stomach pain and was diagnosed with chronic stomach ulcer by the hospital. After that, the barium test was repeated, and one time she went to the hospital because she didn’t have a stool after the test, and when she was threatened with surgery if the barium hardened in the intestine, she took a lot of laxatives and managed to defecate. Since then, she has been afraid of barium tests and has endured stomach pain, but the pain was intense and painful every day. When she was 24yo, a friend told her that there was a place where we could be easier without going to hospitals. Once she heard about it, she visited the branch immediately. She wondered if it would get better with Jorei-Healing, but when she heard about the humans purifying action and medicinal toxins from the branch master, she decided to try it first. Then, the pain that had not improved even with medicinal treatment gradually eased, and a glimmer of hope arose for her hopeless future. She began to think that maybe she could get better with Jorei-Healing, and she received Jorei-Healing every day. After that, the pain she had been experiencing disappeared like a lie, and she became more and more energetic. She was so thrilled with the experience that she became a member at the age of 28. After that, she had various diseases, but she improved by the Jorei-Healing and received many miracles.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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