Improved pain from back to foot(改善从背部到脚部的疼痛)


Ms.T.T worked in a hospital when she was 21yo, but she had severe pain from her back to  legs, and she often took medication. She started to have doubts about medication because it didn’t get any better, and she was wondering if there was a way to get rid of the pain without using it. However, the pain became so severe that she could not continue working. At that time, a health newspaper (introducing the Jorei-Healing experience) was in her mailbox, and she visited the nearest branch. After receiving the Jorei-Healing for about a week, she felt that her physical condition was improving, and although her eyes were not in good condition at the time, she was recovering. She became a member because of this experience. Later, after a few months of receiving the Jorei-Healing, she developed cerebral anemia and vomited yellow liquid from dizziness. While she thought that various toxins that had accumulated until now had been excreted, she experienced that this is a purifying effect. After that, the weight and stiff shoulders that had been going on for years gradually improved, and she was able to work.

*Refer to the New health association newspaper ‘KENKO SHINBUN’ for the above.

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