Global Warming Crisis?(全球变暖危机?) – part2


Is the Tuvalu Islands really sinking? Although I had been having this question for long time, I found the truth.

The Tuvalu Islands, which are always taken up as a symbol of global warming, are said to sink in the near future due to global warming caused by CO2 and innocent islanders will not be able to live. In order to confirm the truth of why only the Tuvalu Islands sink, there was a person who actually visited the site and investigated. As it turns out, it did not sink. In fact, the area of the island has increased by 32 hectares since 115 years ago. In other words, this information is a lie, and it seems that it is used as a symbol of global warming and as a trigger for the promotion of CO2 reduction. According to an interview with the island’s only hotel, the island is flooded only during spring tides, so Western TV stations come to the island to take flood scene in the island. So, the hotel is fully occupied only during the period. Oh my God! I thought I was completely deceived by the TV station’s reporting stance and impression manipulation. Starting from global warming, it has become a source of pressure to switch to alternative energy likely switching to solar which causes soaring electricity bills. And that pressure will continue to intensify and put pressure on citizens’ lives, so let’s all be smart so as not to be deceived by such a propaganda. Please look! Can you tell the differences of sea level around the Statue of Liberty in the United States between then and now? There is no sea level rise.

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