Looking Back Pandemic ‘Hell all over the world’



In 2021, coronavirus counter measures were tightened around the world, and the devastation was particularly severe in Australia and New Zealand. I was disappointed inhumane responses as a democracy on social media, such as forced vaccination, children being separated from their parents and being vaccinated, establishment of concentration camps for the unvaccinated, firing rubber bullets to those who opposed vaccination, and police violence against those who refused to wear masks in towns. I was struck by the sight of civil servants who refused to be vaccinated gathered in front of the parliament building and took off their uniforms and quit. Some people in Australia escaped from the country, while those who remained sought relief from the world through social media. But the world was powerless with no way or power to help them. The prime ministers, politicians and officials of both governments were ruthless and disappointed that I wondered if it is really democracy, if this is human action?

In China, the dictatorship forced lockdowns, and people are prohibited from going out of their apartments, and some people’s entrance house door were welded so that they cannot get out, so images of people jumping from the building and committing suicide due to lack of food have appeared here and there. In addition, images of living people coming out of corpse bags lined up on the floor went viral on social media, and I thought that this was a gimmick to show people mountains of corpse bags, incite fear, make them do PCR tests, continue the emergency period, and get vaccinated. The origin of the coronavirus also turned around many times, and the WHO proceeded with the investigation in consideration of public opinion, but faded out after a weak response to China and a half-hearted field survey at the Wuhan laboratory. The U.S. Congress and the NIH, who colluded, also sought to pull the curtain on the origin investigation.

Here in Malaysia, there were lockdowns and restrictions on movement, masks were forced, and violators were arrested and fined. Therefore, my food acquisition was mainly by delivery, and the range of activities for obtaining food, the number of people gathered, and the distance between people were also limited. In the elevator inside the house, passengers did not talk to each other, but looked at each other as if they were virus. With the Delta variant, my lungs were inflamed and the symptoms were severe, but after the Omicron variant in 2021, the symptoms subsided.

continued episode4

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