Look Back Pandemic ‘Turbo Cancer’



Dr. M.Inoue, a Japan medical scientist and professor emeritus of Osaka City University School of Medicine, has issued an emergency announcement regarding the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines, so I would like to share with you urgently. Since I am not familiar to medical technology, the technical description is translated directly into English.

【Digest of Announcement】
・’Cancer DNA’ was found in mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna.
・Any of DNA should not be contained in mRNA vaccine.
・Any of DNA is not necessary for developing mRNA vaccine
・If people took these vaccines, it is high possibility to become cancer.
・There is a relationship between ‘Increasing Turbo Cancer’ and ‘Cancer DNA’ in vaccines.
・Please do not inject mRNA vaccine for future PANDEMIC but also for INFLUENZA.

As a result of the analysis of the mRNA vaccines of Pfizer and Moderna by US genome analysis professionals, it is found cancer DNA is contained in vaccines. This meaning that people who received vaccine have high possibility to become cancers. He strongly recommends not to take mRNA type of vaccines anymore but also not to take against future pandemics and influenza.
・DNA that should not have been mixed with mRNA vaccines was found in the vaccines of both companies.
・The quantity and quality of the mixed DNA differ between the two companies, and Pfizer’s DNA is 0.3~30%.
・When DNA is mixed into mRNA vaccines, human genes can easily be rewritten. This is called plasmid DNA and is a typical genetic recombination tool.
・Pfizer contains SV40 which is a gene for the cancer virus, but SV40 is completely unnecessary for coronavirus vaccines.
・It is unclear whether the abnormal situation involving DNA contamination is an accident or intentional, but SV40 is a cancer gene and inoculated people may eventually develop cancer.
・Recently, there are many people around the world who get turbo cancer, and many of them are suddenly detected at stage 4 and die in a short period of time.
・It is common knowledge in medicine that the frequent occurrence of turbo cancer is related to SV40 contamination.
・In other words, this mRNA vaccine is not a vaccine, but a genetically modified reagent.
・Therefore, it is becoming a common recognition in the medical community around the world that the vaccine should not be vaccinated regardless of the presence or absence of an underlying disease or age.
・However, pharmaceutical companies are developing future influenza vaccines based on the principle of discontinuing conventional vaccines made from eggs (inactivated vaccines and live vaccines) and making them all mRNA-type.
・In Japan, mRNA vaccine manufacturing companies have been established one after another in Fukushima, Kobe, and Tsukuba with government budgets. To make matters worse, the second recruitment has now begun.
・Japan is becoming the world’s top mRNA vaccine manufacturing base, and there is a high probability that people will be vaccinated against mRNA-type influenza vaccines in the next pandemic.
・In the influenza spike protein, all cells become the binding target of the spike protein because sialic acid binds to the sugar protein on the cell surface. As a result, it is medically expected that mRNA vaccines for influenza are very dangerous because systemic cells are immune targets.
・Based on the fact that the mRNA vaccine was a basic design mistake, he strongly recommend that humanity not use this mRNA vaccine.

【My opinion】
For those who have already been vaccinated with the mRNA vaccine, the top priority is not to vaccinate at all in the future and to excrete the poison that has entered the body little by little. For that reason, we recommend the Jorei method to strengthen autoimmunity that promotes natural purification. And I want everyone in the world to be wise so that they don’t make the same mistake again. And for a bright future, let’s increase the number of descendants and protect humanity.

End of season1

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